MB_H4221 Inovital INO 元氣寶 瓜拿那 刺蕁麻 台灣
▹ 重量(g) : 90
▹ 適合 : 18歲以上
▹ 其他: 治療神經/提升記憶
▹ 簡單描述 : 元氣寶有助於讓熬夜者保持清醒和警覺。
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Production description
元氣寶 CURE ENERGIE 元氣寶適用于疲勞及體力下降的人士。尤其適合值夜班者,它有助於讓熬夜者保持清醒和警覺。 疲勞、精神難集中、頭暈、情緒低落、免疫力下降等都是亞健康常見的症狀。亞健康在生活忙碌的都市人士及老年人當中較為常見; 過度疲勞、體能下降、氣血不順等,又未至患病的情況,但已形成亞健康狀態。我們應盡早調理身體,讓健康重回正軌。 Inovital元氣寶幫助身體調節機能,為您未雨綢繆,助身體打好基礎。使您時刻充滿精神、活力充沛。 功效 ‧ 增加體力 ‧ 治療神經功能障礙 ‧ 提升記憶、學習能力與警覺性 ‧ 刺激人的意識 ‧ 提升身體活力 ‧ 幫助系統排毒 ‧ 提高血液循環 主要成分 ‧ 天然瓜拿那 經研究證實天然瓜拿那提取物能有效提升記憶、學習能力與警覺性,能刺激人的意識。 含有多於20種的氨基酸,鉀、鈣、鐵、磷、鋅、銅、鈦等多種礦物質,維生素E及B群、丹寧酸、兒茶素、生物鹼、酵素、碳水化合物等 - 舒緩疲憊感、增加活力 有助清除體內毒素,消除疲勞、減輕頭痛 - 幫助減輕體重 令身體排出多餘的水份,促進新陳代謝、活化細胞,提升免疫力,幫助溶解飽和脂肪及膽固醇 - 維持心血管組織健康 刺激血液循環,幫助動脈擴張,尤其對動脈硬化有治療的功效 ‧ Koko nut(可樂種子) 用於增加體力,和治療神經功能障礙。 含咖啡因、可可鹼、茶鹼、兒茶酚、蛋白質、澱粉質、脂肪、硫胺素、核黃素、菸鹼酸、礦物質如: 鈣、鉀、鐵及丹寧酸等 - 能刺激心臟及中央神經系統 有助振奮情緒和提高注意力,可壓抑食慾及提升體溫 - 幫助消化 幫助消化食物,舒緩頭痛症狀 ‧ 刺蕁麻 是一種天然的保健補品,滋養身體並幫助系統排毒。它能提高全身的血液循環,讓精疲力歇的身體獲得釋放。 含維生素A、B、C及K等、核黃素、葉酸、泛酸等,多種礦物質包括鈣、鉀、矽等,以及類黃酮素等成分 - 緩解敏感徵狀 可預防過敏反應和緩解症狀,並消除鼻子及眼睛充血現象 - 淨化作用 清除代謝廢棄物並同時促進淋巴系統運作和腎臟排泄 - 有助治療發炎症狀 有助治療關節炎、痛風、風濕等,亦能改善皮層發炎,以舒緩頭皮屑症狀 - 刺激血液循環 能抑制經血流量過多等狀況,能消除疲勞,增加體力 使用方法 每天早上服用一粒,用餐時服用 容量 60 粒 Product of Taiwan 成分 Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Extract, Kola (Cola acuminata) Extract, Calcium Carbonate, Nettle (Urtica dioica) 'Extract, Magnesium Silicate Source of capsule: Bovine capsule 注意事項 ․避免存放在兒童容易觸及的地方。 ․避免陽光直射。 Authorized by INOVITAL 102, Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 PARIS-FRANCE Imported & Marketed by INOVITAL (HK) P.O. Box No. 28355 at Gloucester Road, Post Office Manufactured by TCI CO., LTD. 8F, No. 187, Kang Chien Road, Taipei Taiwan. Cure Energie, fits right for those who experience fatigue, reduced stamina, feelings of weakness and etc. it is especially good for those who works night shift. The natural supplement can help you stay up, awake and alert through those long nights. Features ‧ Increase physical strength ‧ Treatment of neurological dysfunction ‧ Improve memory, learning ability and alertness ‧ Stimulate people's consciousness ‧ Improve physical vitality ‧ Helps detoxify the system ‧ Improve blood circulation COMPOSITION ‧ Guarana (Cupana seed extract) Study has showed that one of the compositions, is a natural medicine to improve cognitive, memory alert and content mood ratings. It has marked stimulating effect on human consciousness. ‧ Koko nut (Cola acuminate seed) used to increase physical capacity, and for treating nervous disability. ‧ The botanical Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) is a naturally nutritious way as tonic to nourish and detoxifies the entire system. It is a fine circulatory stimulant to increase blood circulation throughout the body thus to uplift the weary body a. DIRECTIONS OF USE Take 1 capsule in the morning with meals VOLUME 60 Capsules Product of Taiwan Ingredients Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Extract, Kola (Cola acuminata) Extract, Calcium Carbonate, Nettle (Urtica dioica) 'Extract, Magnesium Silicate Source of capsule: Bovine capsule Storage Condition Store in a cool dry place and away from light. Precaution Keep out of reach of children. Authorized by INOVITAL 102, Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 PARIS-FRANCE Imported & Marketed by INOVITAL (HK) P.O. Box No. 28355 at Gloucester Road, Post Office Manufactured by TCI CO., LTD. 8F, No. 187, Kang Chien Road, Taipei Taiwan.