MB_H4211 Activitae ACTI 益生菌加強版 台灣
▹ 重量(g) : 200
▹ 適合 : 6歲以上
▹ 其他: 過敏症/腸內清道夫
▹ 簡單描述 : 專利益生質成分,具有獨特萃取技術 Cardiose®甜橙萃取及副乾酪乳桿菌K-2
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Production description
都市人忙碌的生活,容易產生壓力,或會出現食無定時、睡眠和休息 不足的情況,身體免疫力更可能因而隆低,加上天氣變化及環境因素, 容易誘發或加劇身體、腸道及其他炎症症狀出現。 Activitae Probiotic Powder Plus 益生菌第二代升級版,除了保留原先有效配方外,新增添具獨特萃取技術-Cardiose 甜橙萃取,其珍貴的活性成分S-橙皮苷可有效降低過敏反應,另添加了來自日本大廠-副乾酪乳桿菌K-2,經實驗證實可幫助改善異位性皮膚炎及過敏症狀,進而提升整體免疫力。 精選的專利益生質成分及三倍增量的益生菌,令益生菌配方完整升級,有助促進新陳代謝,並提升保護力,讓您輕鬆適應季節變化。 適合人士 • 腸道不健康 • 免疫力差 • 過敏體質者 特色 1. 幫助減輕因外在環境引致的過敏不適 2. 幫助調節腸道功能,促進益生菌的生長 3. 有助增強抵抗力 使用建議: 1. 直接食用或倒入60毫升的水或果汁中,攪拌均勻後飲用。 2. 為避免破壞產品效果,請勿與熱的飲料混合飲用。 3. 孩童(6歲以上):每日1包,餐前飲用。 4. 成人:每日2次,每次1包,餐前飲用。 容量 3g x 30 包 Product of Taiwan 成分 Glucose,Inulin,Indigestible Maltodextrin, Yogurt Powder, Flavor, Perilla Extract, DL-Malic Acid, Citric Acid,B-Glucan, Silicon Dioxide, Lactobacillus rhamnosus IDCC 3201,Sweet Orange Extract,Vitamin C, Zinc Gluconate,Vitamin B12,Sucralose (Sweetener),Apple Extract,Lactobacillus acidophililus,Lactobacillus casei,Vitamin E, Lactobacillus paracasei, Fermented Soybean, Onion Extract, Rice Essence (Contains GABA) 保存方法:請存放在陰涼乾燥的地方。 注意事項: 1. 避免存放在兒童容易觸及的地方。 2. 懷孕及哺乳中的婦女,需長期服用藥物,或正在服食藥物的病患,食用前應先諮詢醫生。 3. 本產品成分均為天然萃取,若有色澤不同或有沉澱物均屬正常現象。 4. 本產品含豆類及牛奶成分。 授權人 Authorised by: Activitae 102, Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 PARIS-FRANCE 進口和銷售 Import & Marketed by: ACTIVITAE (HK) P.O. BOX No. 28355 at Gloucester Road, Post Office 製造商Manufactured by: WEL-BLOOM BIO-TECH CORPORATION 4F., No. 58, Lane 148, Lide St., Jhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23512, Taiwan The busy life of citizens will easily be stressed, and may experiencing irregular eating habits, insufficient sleep and rest, which may decline in the immunity of our body. Together with the weather and environmental changes, it is easy to induce or aggravate the symptoms of inflammation in our body and intestines. Activitae Probiotic Powder Plus newly added Cardiose® sweet orange extract, Its valuable active substance Hesperidin found in sweet orange extract could effectively treat allergic reactions. Plus Lactobacillus paracasei K-2 manufactured in Japan, experiments have demonstrated its efficacy on relieving atopic dermatitis, treating allergy symptoms, helping to reduce the absorption of cholesterol, protecting cardio vessels and boosting overall immunity. Its complete probiotic formula together with patent prebiotics and three-fold increase in probiotics, help to improve the intestinal function, remove bacterial, boost metabolism and provide additional immune support through the seasonal changes. Suitable for • Unhealthy Intestinal Environment • Poor immune system • Allergic reaction WHAT'S TO LOVE 1. provide multiple protections for the body 2. help to prevent upper respiratory tract infections 3. Help to strengthen the body resistance DIRECTIONS OF USE 1. Mix the BELSANTE IMMUNE plus 2 into 100ml of warm water. Stir well before drinking 2. Consume 1 – 3 sachets per day VOLUME 3g x 30 sachets Product of Taiwan Ingredients: Glucose,Inulin,Indigestible Maltodextrin, Yogurt Powder, Flavor, Perilla Extract, DL-Malic Acid, Citric Acid,B-Glucan, Silicon Dioxide, Lactobacillus rhamnosus IDCC 3201,Sweet Orange Extract,Vitamin C, Zinc Gluconate,Vitamin B12,Sucralose (Sweetener),Apple Extract,Lactobacillus acidophililus,Lactobacillus casei,Vitamin E, Lactobacillus paracasei, Fermented Soybean, Onion Extract, Rice Essence (Contains GABA) PRECAUTIONS 1.Keep out of reach of children 2Do not exceed recommended usage 3.Do not take this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 4.Patients under medical conditions are advised to consult your physician before consume this product. 5.For children below age of two, patients who has been diagnosed with diabetes, and people who currently undergoes immunity related treatments for immune diseases, please consult your physician prior taking this supplement. Authorized by Activitae 102, Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 PARIS-FRANCE Imported & Marketed by ACTIVITAE (HK) P.O. BOX No. 28355 at Gloucester Road Post Office Manufactured by WEL-BLOOM BIO-TECH CORPORATION 4F., No. 58, Lane 148, Lide St., Jhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23512, Taiwan
【 MM9 未 買 夠 】
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